The mission of the Department of Human Sciences is to prepare students for employment &/or graduate school in human development & family science, & food, nutrition, & community health sciences to promote positive well-being, healthy relationships, & adequate resources for individuals, families, & communities in a diverse, global environment. This mission is accomplished through the dissemination of current knowledge, education of professionals, & provision of research-based programs.

To achieve this mission, the Department of Human Sciences will:

    • provide a high-quality, rigorous plan- of- study for each of its undergraduate degree programs within the Department of Human Sciences; thereby preparing its students to achieve scholarships that allow them to succeed in graduate school or in professional employment; develop leadership skills and serve communities;
    • support the Land-Grant function of the University in the areas of teaching, research, and extension services while establishing relationships that help meet current and further community needs and responding to demands of a democratic and constantly changing society;
    • provide comprehensive student services, such as advisement, counseling, tutoring, cultural activities, and instructional methodologies delivered in a safe, healthy environment conducive to personal, professional, and social development;
    • offer a broad range of experiential programs that prepare students to compete professionally within the human sciences’ field and contribute broadly to society’s well-being.

Human Development and Family Science Program:

The mission of the Human Development and Family Science program is to prepare students for employment or graduate schools in programs that promote quality of life for individuals, families, and communities. This will be accomplished through interdisciplinary study of human growth and development across the lifespan in the context of family, culture, and society. Through coursework and practical experiences, graduates will be prepared for professional careers in human service-oriented agencies that promote the well-being of children, youth, adults, and families.

Food, Nutrition and Community Health Sciences (FNCHS) Program:

The mission of the Food, Nutrition, and Community Health Sciences program is to prepare students in Food, Nutrition, and Community Health Sciences to enter the professional 21st-century global workforce and graduate school. Through an intense study plan, utilizing diverse pedagogies, evidence-based knowledge, practicum learning, community collaborations, innovative technologies, and research, students have the knowledge, technical, and leadership abilities to help meet nutrition and health-related challenges. Individuals, families, and communities.

Faculty & Staff


Dr. Ravola Martha Dr.                                                Muhammad Riaz                                                                  Ms. Pittman Ouida

Associate Professor (HDFS)                                   Assistant Professor (HDFS)                                                         Instructor

mravola@alcorn.edu                                                 mriaz@alcorn.edu                                                                   pittman1@alcorn.edu

601 877 4717                                                                601 877 4710                                                                               601 877 4716


Ms. Townsend Kimberly                                                      Dr. Gladney Christina                                                      Ms. Garfield Felicia

Adjunct Instructor                                                               Adjunct Instructor                                                            Admin Assistant

kltownsend@alcorn.edu                                                        cgladney@alcorn.edu                                                      fmgarfield@alcorn.edu

601 877 6252

La’ Tasha Coleman, MS, M.Ed.

  Practicum & Tutoring Services

  Coordinator / Adjunct Instructor

               601 877 3967



 Child Development & Learning Center (CDLC)


A Brief History of Child Development & Learning Center (CDLC)

The ASU Child Development Learning Center (CDLC) was established in 1950 and has been licensed by the Mississippi State Department of Health since June 23, 1980.

Age of Enrollment

6 weeks – 5 years old

Three classrooms: Infant, Toddler, and Preschool

Admission Open!